join the dave club

the dave club rocks man. it's like so gnarly. super cool.

Monday, January 29, 2007

apologies... in the shadow of a looming 15 minuite presentation on personal and professional development (which I should look 'clean' for), i sat and played a song on my guitar to my friend Abdi... the atmosphere is zoned stress in pocket puffs (not literally pockets, I mean pockets as in flour lumps in a nasty savory stew), a guilty feeling is ever present with a half read radiological journal on the coffee table... nasty.

'Dave, I think for your personal development you need to learn the guitar'
'learn the guitar?'
'do you know what melodious is?'
'well, you havn't got that'


At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

o o o if there is someone that got melody it´s you!


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