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Friday, June 15, 2007


its been a long time since my last blog... hey

I'm trying to make it out here in Sweden. I am on placment in a city (town by UK standard) called Lund... i'd say its like a cambridge kinda university town with a super hospital... so I'm learning to do x-rays here, calling myself a nurse (coz thats what they are) and trying to speak as much swedish as I can coz I can't learn no other way fast... maybe the swedes are a little more serious coz I'm the only one laughing at the language mistakes I make... its a good thing i have a supervisor...this week I did my first injection of 'x-ray' contrast.
my head is so full stuff... but I'm having fun I'm hopeful...


At 5:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, good to hear it!, glad you're doing well, keep on laughing at're a very laughing person.(and as a fall back reason, it's a good British thing to do as well.) so Dave, is your English turning into svenglish yet? That's the funniest thing that happens to an english speaker in a foreign country, their english changes. then you can make mistakes in English and laugh at yourself too :D :D

At 4:46 AM, Blogger pellucid said...

Hey Dave, good to hear from you. You didn't mention them, but I've heard the early morning starts are pretty tough - maybe that's why all Swedes are serious? I can't understand why they wouldn't smile at the Lion King dialogue though... hakuna matata, right?

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my english is derailing somewhat but I never felt i was that good at speaking it anyway.


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