join the dave club

the dave club rocks man. it's like so gnarly. super cool.

Monday, October 30, 2006

half way

I'm half way through my truro placement... half of me is happily saying within my still well insulted head: "woah, half way already!!"... the other half is like "what?? 7 weeks, aaa"... and my head is a little too insultated and maybe i'll walk back home heat up some milk in the microwave and add cocoa powder and sugar on my bedroom floor and climb back into bed."
i easierly swing from one half to the other... i guess thats why i love skanking. i'm digging deftones right now.

i did my first 12 hour night shift on saturday which i enjoyed... I'm really lazy with my 'i's" which should be capatal (now thats spelt worng)... apologies. by 5am i think my sleepy casualness made a patient doubt my skills.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

me here

emma was super nice and visited me last 'weekishy' weekend. the superintendent was kind enough to give me a 4 day weekend for that reason. so after a stressy yet more than just ''ok you passed" assesment on how well i can manage the management of 2 x-ray rooms, me and emma journied up to bristol for a visit.
it was grand to see my house mates and friends and eat good non-microwaved food... mark your hair rocks, ben, im still shocked at your drawings...

it was strange (emotional) that it all ended... emma rocks, and again i was here doing x-rays. this week being different coz i have worked 4pm to 11pm.

charles (the guy i live with down here) escaped in the night and i found out at breakfast that he has left for good (or rather for bad). the landlady gave me a carton of orange juice to encourage me to store more things in the fridge.

my heart swelled with a feeling of deep love as i walked to the libary and thought 'Jesus died for me'. it did it again just now.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

nearly 4 weeks in

Nuclear Medicine is interesesting; there must be zillions of gamma rays flying out of all those patients waiting in the waiting area... but 'blah blah blah' maths. if i pick up a tub of icecream i'll have to eat it all straight off coz i got no freezer... and maybe the headaches & tierdness and mood swings are coz of my hair... and my diet isn't very varied either. hence why im craving icecream bad. i miss having a 'house'. aaaaaaa. well, my placement is going well (ive been getting lots of smiles and 'above required standards'), but it seems to have taken over my life... that makes me sad.

im sorry