join the dave club

the dave club rocks man. it's like so gnarly. super cool.

Monday, March 12, 2007


more used to me...

I don't feel that I should give up sewing just coz I suck at it... I feel like people are just a little too perlight to say it... anyway, Its enjoyable and its a new way of being creative and.... I'm not even that offended that Pete and Cherie don't know where the rabbit Emma and I made them went (the rabbit that started this new wave). But, I feel I have progressed since then. and I now understand that a rice filled rabbit made from a a wierd leathery material and a 'starburst' for a nose (which melthed onto petes pants when he accedentilly sat on it) is not really the most desired object for anyone. I'm trying to move forward from that... I may need a little help doing that... I just want a little honesty, coz maybe this is not just a phase you have to humour me through.

please excuse my spelling, I write enough academic stuff that I don't care right now about a spelling mistake on my blog.