join the dave club

the dave club rocks man. it's like so gnarly. super cool.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

well, i poured the yoghurt into the bin and thought that they probably would wonder why I used a bin to hurl into... and thinking further, it was a pretty obviuos statement to my landlady that i didn't enjoy her homemade natural yoghurt... so i left it there and added bits to it daily over the few days before 'bin day'.

thankfully its not likely that she'll ask me if i have a blog.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

very natural yoghurt

my landlady asked me if i like natural yoghurt, I said "YEAH"!!
it turns out she makes her own... so she bought out a big huge tub of the homemade stuff (i could smell the bacteria) and i took it away for consuming. its pourred like lumpy porridge but still, i had had had to eat it... i stopped trying to eat it after 2 tastes. the next morning it had grown, like a "soo-fay"... its like filled with heavy breathing bacteria.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

hair pt 16

well well, i finally that I gosta go and approach the superintendent about my hair...

"oh, its not that I don't like it, its lovely, I'm just worried that... you know, its a bit big... I also think the Swedes are a little conservitive, you can't go over there with hair like that..."

said from the best part of my memory with bits missing (not 100% accurate)