join the dave club

the dave club rocks man. it's like so gnarly. super cool.

Monday, January 29, 2007

apologies... in the shadow of a looming 15 minuite presentation on personal and professional development (which I should look 'clean' for), i sat and played a song on my guitar to my friend Abdi... the atmosphere is zoned stress in pocket puffs (not literally pockets, I mean pockets as in flour lumps in a nasty savory stew), a guilty feeling is ever present with a half read radiological journal on the coffee table... nasty.

'Dave, I think for your personal development you need to learn the guitar'
'learn the guitar?'
'do you know what melodious is?'
'well, you havn't got that'


Saturday, January 13, 2007


my classes are filled with predictively lengthy debates on how poor the management of the NHS is (in relation to radiology and how we 'get the rawist deal')... i just know that monday will come and the same stuff will go on until my page is filled with over/super/lapped/imposed doodles of folk with big mouths and rain clouds...

i was complimented on my facial hair growth today and im still waiting for itchy phase to pass. coz just like some draw eyes or hearts i always draw rain clouds varied with big mouths and then try and fit a lecturer around it.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

how do I get there?

'I don't know what I'm doing'... i remember when a 'I know what I'm doing' lookin lady said the same back to me... so i said "cool, so i'll survive"... and if someone back then showed me myself watching the Lejon Kungen (The Lion King) I would more then likely smile... what I learned was to give God the control (coz He sure knows what He's doing).

I still don't know what I'm doing... but I've watched Lejon Kungen and if someone was to show me what i'd be doing in a few years, I hope i'd smile again.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I'm back in bristol... my bags opened, clothes hanging out and i hope no-one minds that they block the hallway but I'm to tierd to unpack and my room is too small to for it... yeah, I'll fix it tomorrow.