join the dave club

the dave club rocks man. it's like so gnarly. super cool.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

a lot of my placement has been me trying to prove I can speak swedish (for jobfinding purposes), so I've had to loose all my fears and just say stuff that I I accidentally told someone to hold thier breath instead of holding thier ankle still when x-raying... and of course they did.
Last week my dad travelled up to Scotland and bought a house. my parents are moving there which is exciting and understandbly strange.
anyway, now at the end of my placement I know a lot more swedish, how to inject (into the vein) and have met some nice people which is all fun. but as my confidence grows, so do the mistakes and missunderstandings as I try more and more to have conversations using no english.

Friday, June 15, 2007


its been a long time since my last blog... hey

I'm trying to make it out here in Sweden. I am on placment in a city (town by UK standard) called Lund... i'd say its like a cambridge kinda university town with a super hospital... so I'm learning to do x-rays here, calling myself a nurse (coz thats what they are) and trying to speak as much swedish as I can coz I can't learn no other way fast... maybe the swedes are a little more serious coz I'm the only one laughing at the language mistakes I make... its a good thing i have a supervisor...this week I did my first injection of 'x-ray' contrast.
my head is so full stuff... but I'm having fun I'm hopeful...

Saturday, April 21, 2007


With my x-ray/radiography degree coming to a soon end, the majority of my mind-space is filled with exciting future thoughts. most of them are dreams... I often have to wake up (I've been taking midday naps... its that time of the year) to the idea that it may be a huge nasty struggle to get there.
It's been my plan for 2 (and a half) of the past 3 of my degree years to not get 'stuck' (like trapped, or stagnated) in a 'radiography job'... but the bigger part of me wants to at least try it... probably coz of all these efforts to get me it fills me with a scary excitement filled odd feeling to go try it in Sweden (on placement) and possibly (God willing) as a job after.

hmm, placement schmacement, I got bigger reasons to be so excited to go...

...and who (other than God) knows what I should do and when. I feel like letting go of what I
want and doing what God wants is the best way to live my life. so I'll try that.

Monday, March 12, 2007


more used to me...

I don't feel that I should give up sewing just coz I suck at it... I feel like people are just a little too perlight to say it... anyway, Its enjoyable and its a new way of being creative and.... I'm not even that offended that Pete and Cherie don't know where the rabbit Emma and I made them went (the rabbit that started this new wave). But, I feel I have progressed since then. and I now understand that a rice filled rabbit made from a a wierd leathery material and a 'starburst' for a nose (which melthed onto petes pants when he accedentilly sat on it) is not really the most desired object for anyone. I'm trying to move forward from that... I may need a little help doing that... I just want a little honesty, coz maybe this is not just a phase you have to humour me through.

please excuse my spelling, I write enough academic stuff that I don't care right now about a spelling mistake on my blog.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

David Henson

the situation has been described to be like having a stroppy teenager in the house (that being me)... maybe its a hormonal imbalance ("Dave, is it that time of the month?"/"you shut your face, ok")... apparently (as jon snell 'man of fitness' says) the running I'm doing raises my levels of testosterone... and I need to go running in the attempt to get rid of the angst that racks me.

so i'm acting like a highly strung girl, and it lasting for-friggin-ever... maybe I'm love sick.


Monday, January 29, 2007

apologies... in the shadow of a looming 15 minuite presentation on personal and professional development (which I should look 'clean' for), i sat and played a song on my guitar to my friend Abdi... the atmosphere is zoned stress in pocket puffs (not literally pockets, I mean pockets as in flour lumps in a nasty savory stew), a guilty feeling is ever present with a half read radiological journal on the coffee table... nasty.

'Dave, I think for your personal development you need to learn the guitar'
'learn the guitar?'
'do you know what melodious is?'
'well, you havn't got that'


Saturday, January 13, 2007


my classes are filled with predictively lengthy debates on how poor the management of the NHS is (in relation to radiology and how we 'get the rawist deal')... i just know that monday will come and the same stuff will go on until my page is filled with over/super/lapped/imposed doodles of folk with big mouths and rain clouds...

i was complimented on my facial hair growth today and im still waiting for itchy phase to pass. coz just like some draw eyes or hearts i always draw rain clouds varied with big mouths and then try and fit a lecturer around it.